How To Successfully Outsource MSP Customer Support
James Vickery
If you’re looking to scale you MSP and be more profitable then transitioning your help desk to an outsourcing partner is a big step in the right direction. It’s important to recognise that it’s a big change – so it needs to be done right.
This means first finding and outsourcing partner that’s as committed to your customers as you are and then being prepared to put the work in up front to ensure a smooth transition. If you do – it will transform your business. There are three important things you need to do to make for a successful transition: reset your value proposition; be open; and commit by going all in.
Resetting your value proposition
Go and see your customers to reinforce your value. IT support is a people business — plain and simple. You’ll never succeed in our industry without the right individuals behind your brand. No matter where your IT support teams are located — whether they’re in-house under your roof or outsourced to the Philippines — they must be able to deliver the kind of customer service expected of them in the most competitive markets. If they can (if you’re with us, they will), your customers will be thrilled with your brand.
Frame your value differently by planting the seed of a brighter future for your customer support. The fact you’re growing is not only good for you but your customers — and that’s a point you’ll need to drive home to them. As you scale, your customers might become concerned about whether you’ll pay them enough attention.
With Benchmark 365’s platform, you’ll be able to show your customers how working and engaging with a larger team adds additional value and where you — compared to your competitors — delivers better service. For example, you’ll be able to more effectively provide your customers with true 24/7 tech support — that’s a huge deal.
It also means for you, as the CEO, you can have a build meaningful relationships with your clients. You can focus on having larger strategic discussions – rather than getting caught up in technical support conversations. This resets your value proposition as an integral business partner who not only keeps the lights on but delivers ideas and recommendations on how to keep your clients’ IT infrastructure up-to-date and cost effective.
Be open with customers about operational changes
When you’re transitioning to a new support partner, you’re making an operational change, so be ready to tackle objections head-on if any arise. Get ahead of the game and let them know about your plans. Be transparent, helpful and ready to answer customer questions. Be available through the on-boarding process to jump in and solve any teething issues. But be firm – don’t revert to being their point of contact for help desk issues. Keep emphasising the benefits for them and focus on those bigger conversations when yo do engage with them.
Commit to your outsourced IT support solution by going all in
At Benchmark 365, our mission is to help MSPs become more profitable and scalable. Trust me when I say this: If you want to maximise your results, you need to fully commit to the Benchmark 365 solution when you partner with us. Why? In order for us to better assist you with your desired results, we need full access to the entire story — not just part of it. For us, it’s much harder to learn, respond and service your customers when we’re only privy to half the story. Help us help you by welcoming us to your business and introducing us to your customers.
When MSPs go all in with our IT support outsourcing solution, they save around 50-70% in labor costs. Now, of course, every MSP is different, but think about it this way: If you fully commit to our solution (meaning you don’t try to use Benchmark 365 as an overflow service or weekend support) you could save anywhere from $3,000-$35,000 per month. Imagine what you could do with the additional cash flow you’d be generating each month. Why would you want to transition only some customers to Benchmark 365?
Committing to a long-term support strategy by partnering with the right outsourcing partner will help your business scale and profit — no doubt about it. Of course, challenges will arise during the transition period. To avoid a lapse in support, do your best to communicate and reset your value proposition with customers, and commit yourself to the partnership, and you’ll see how fast you will save and grow.